Tag: Elisa Rae Shupe

  • Thought Moments

    In this ongoing column, I share what I call my “thought moments” on news of the day of other issues involving AI tools.

  • Unlocking the Ability to Write with ChatGPT

    “You might ask, what was so special about this chatbot thingy? The answer lies in the interface. Instead of sitting in front of a blank page and being overwhelmed by not only having to begin filling it with words but also doing so correctly and in a manner worthy of reading, I could tell an…

  • Copyrighting Books That Contain AI-Generated Material

    Can you copyright a fiction novel that contains material generated by artificial intelligence? The answer is yes, provided that the work contains sufficient original human authorship to be regarded as copyrightable. On April 5, 2024, the United States Copyright Office (USCO) took a reconsideration action and registered a copyright for Elisa Rae Shupe, who writes…

  • Birth of an Author

    “Unlike Sandy’s mother, my dream of becoming a novelist didn’t die with me. OpenAI and ChatGPT brought it to life. For that gift, I am eternally grateful.”

  • AI Machinations: Tangled Webs and Typed Words

    Unable to write conventionally due to cognitive disabilities, debut author Ellen Rae pioneered a new collaborative approach to achieve her lifelong dream. She prompted ChatGPT with fictional scenes interwoven with memories and struggles from her own life, which the AI tool then translated paragraph by paragraph into a cohesive narrative. The resulting 275,000-word chat log…